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Check out-The National Hay Association
Introducing Horses By Melissa Brawner One of my favorite things about having our farm, is that I get to introduce children to horses. There is something magical about seeing a huge horse and a tiny child together. It can be a bit scary for both the horse and the child initially, but the end result is worth every second of the work you put in to make it a safe, comfortable learning experience. I remember myself as a horse crazy child. In retrospect, I am sure I was quite a sight in my light green fuzzy bikini and cowboy boots running around on my imaginary steed in Phoenix, Arizona. Horses were all I could think about. I can truly empathize with those horse crazy children! More… |
Introducing our horse editor, Melissa Brawner. Enjoy her educational articles sharing her experience raising horses in Colorado.The first article is about “Starting Foals.”“Beginning basic training sounds a bit extreme with a foal, but it is the simple things that are introduced. Introducing things while they are young makes it much easier to train them when they are full grown, and ready for the saddle, or any other specialization. Practicing trailer loading at the side of the mare takes all of the fear out of the equation, unless of course you have a mare that won’t load! The foal learns to….. |
Trail riding and Travel N Corrals go hand in hand. Easy to take with you, easy to setup. Horses tied to a trailer for hours can cause problems. Keep your horses relaxed in a roomy corral as you enjoy the great outdoors between rides. Sleep well at night with your Travel N Corrals placed where you want them and in plain site of your bedroom window. If you go to high school rodeo’s, you will see portable corrals everywhere. Families enjoying each other and security for the horses when everyone is running….. More…. |
Hay and Straw. You asked. Hay is a green immature leafing plant, be it alfalfa, grass, oats, etc. Straw is a yellow mature mostly stem plant that has been harvested to remove the seeds, usually wheat, barley, oats, rice, beans etc. Straw has little feed value, used for bedding or sometimes mixed with hay to stretch supplies and provide bulk to feedlot rations. Though the plants used as straw can be used as hay if harvested as a green immature plant in the beginning dough stage. Cornstalks can used like straw. It soaks up more moisture than straw. |
I still haul hay once in a while. Click on the picture.
Amy from MI knows how to haul hay the way I use to. |