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Hoof Grip Trailer Flooring

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Hoof Grip Trailer Flooring, “The Brand you can Stand On!”

Hoof Grip Trailer Flooring

It’s Super Floor, been around for years, in horse trailers, in barns, sidewalks, sale barns, vet clinics, patio’s, dog kennels, playgrounds and truck beds.  The video’s below tell the story. Made from ground tires (recycled) it gives cushion and traction. First place I saw it was on playgrounds. around merry-go-rounds where kids fall down and bounce back up unhurt. Which makes it perfect for horse trailers replacing those 200 lb. rubber mats that never get pulled out. Urine and water settle under the rubber mats and rot the wood floors, rust the steel floors and corrode the aluminum floors.  I had this ground rubber flooring in my last two Logan Coach horse trailers. They named it “Whiz Proof”, because it was. Urine and water flow through the porous flooring it leaving the floor dry with no shavings needed.

With manufacturing in Arizona and Albert, Colter McDonald and family use and test Hoof Grip in their own trailers. Hoof Grip dealers around the country have specialist to install it. Colter has traveled around the country to horse events doing installs in the parking lots. Call the McDonald family toll free to get details, pricing and the closest dealer to you: 314-262-4747 Website:


Some well known flooring needs the trailer floor braces to be reinforced because it flexes too much.  Other flooring

Hoof Grip Trailer Flooring; Install

products I’ve reviewed where slick or sticky like Velcro and hard to hose out. Hoof Grip just needs hosed off with your garden hose. Hoof Grip at 3/4 inch thick is dramatically better cushion, traction and makes your trailer floor stronger.

Rubber mats that your horse trailer comes with are meant to be pulled up and dragged out of the trailer to clean the base floor. That’s too much work. I had to use vice grips to drag the mats out. Then you have to clean the base floor, dry it and then pull those 200 pound rubber mats back in the trailer. This makes it discouraging to even bother with mats. Ride in the back or your horse trailer sometime to see just how hard those rubber mats are to stand on bouncing down the road.

Hoof Grip can be a great replacement for side walks, wash racks, cattle chute runs and patio’s. They’ve done several vet clinics. Anywhere where you need traction, cushion, easy cleaning, Hoof Grip will save you time and your back. Give your old rubber mats to your neighbors, then lock your doors!

Hoof Grip Trailer Flooring

Video 1

Video 2, MrTruck’s Review at the Arizona factory

Video 3, Hoof Grip on vintage dually truck

Give Hoof Grip a call: 314-262-4747 Website:


The Truth About Trucks – part one



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